How to Make the Most of Your Coronacation
As our country learns to “Shelter at home” and observe “Social distancing”, we are also living through a truly historic event. In the not too distant future, children will be learning about the Covid-19 pandemic in history class. I personally have spent a lot of time observing and listening to how people adapt and cope with these recent developments. And, as is common with change, many people focus on the negatives. Not to make light of the financial, career, educational, and family struggles that many people are facing. I hope that the government and people in general come together with some real solutions to assist in recovery from this mess.
I have also seen and heard many positive things. Lots of folks are learning/refreshing themselves on cooking. My Facebook feed is filled with cookies, cakes, fat steaks, amazing breakfasts and so much more food that people are making and jokes about how much weight they will gain because they are home. A friend of mine posted, “I forgot what an amazing cook my wife is!” Besides the rediscovery of home cooking and baked goods, many families are enjoying sit-down meals together. An idea long forgotten by many.
- Store enough food & water to sustain every member of your household for a minimum of 1 week. It is strongly recommended to store 30-90 days supply. In addition, think of other supplies that will be needed during a time of crisis.
Besides wrangling 2 babies, my daughter decided to use her time off work to begin refinishing her kitchen cabinets. She isn’t the only one, I’ve heard of several people knocking projects off the old to-do list. Everything from home repairs & firewood to large scale remodels and property improvements. Besides learning to complete his new online schooling, my nephew has focused his attention on fishing. Without even knowing it, people are learning and improving essential long-term survival skills.
- Improve/Repair your shelter daily. Keeping up this habit will prevent shelter failures and reduce overall energy used. A comfortable shelter also improves morale and restfulness.
- Increase your stockpile of firewood (or other fuel source) daily if possible. Double the quantity you would normally use during the timeframe. If working at it daily, then stockpile twice what’s needed for a day. If working at it weekly, then stockpile 2 weeks supply. This habit will ensure that you have an abundant supply to carry you through any unforeseen events.
And although it may look different in some homes, game night is making a comeback! From the traditional games of Rummy and Monopoly to more contemporary things like Animal Crossing and Call or Duty. There are even options to include your friends and neighbors from the comfort of their own homes. You can challenge them to games such as Trivia Pursuit, Words with Friends, and many more. These past weeks my family have competed in wood chopping, archery, and fire building competitions along with a few rounds of golf on the Xbox. No matter what you choose to do, the important thing is that you are doing something. After all, keeping busy is a lot easier when you’re having fun. Idle time can lead to boredom and depression. Don’t forget to look at things from a different perspective. You might be going off to your essential job each day and interacting with the public while your significant other and kids are sitting at home trying not to stab each other.
- Learn, Practice & improve. Take a little time to learn something new. Practice and improve your skills. One of the best ways to improve is to teach. Even the smallest skills can be very useful.
Thanks to modern technology, at least for this event, communicating with the outside world is easy. Cell phones, facetime, Facebook, and a million other apps make it possible to speak with and see your friends and family no matter where they might be. Don’t forget other forms of communication though. It’s always a good idea to have multiple ways to communicate. Walkie talkies, short wave radios and CB’s will always be good to have available.
- Communication is essential in a survival situation. Good forms of communication will help to understand and keep up to date on the current state of the situation. As will it assist in your assessment of what precautions and preparations need to be taken for you and your family and help with morale and prevent depression.
Over the past couple years, I have watched as our community has been faced with multiple significant events. It has been very enlightening to learn just how “prepared” or lack thereof, we all are. I have seen a heightened awareness and urgency to be more self-sufficient. And, probably the most positive thing I have seen is the concern and support shown within the community. Strangers are offering assistance to those in need. Neighbors are working together. Small businesses are working to support each other. And businesses/organizations are extending support & options to better assist their customers. Bartering for goods and services seems to be more common. Even celebrities are taking time to show their support via live streaming concerts and such. I keep seeing the tag line, “We’re all in this together”. It’s refreshing to see people embrace this idea. Apparently, facing difficulty makes us better people.
- In building your survival community, surround yourself with people of differing skills and occupations. A good variety of skill sets will help your community to flourish and allow for trade with others. Like-mindedness and compatibility are also essential in keeping the peace and morale. Remember, you will living & working with these people daily.
- Stockpile products with good barter value. Ammunition, first aid supplies, alcohol & tobacco, hygiene products, etc.
So, try to look for the silver lining. Have a nice dinner and take a minute to enjoy spending time with your family. Take advantage of the added labor force you have at home to get some stuff done. Maybe expand on what you’re doing to be better prepared. Try not to let the weight of the world rest on your shoulders. Then relax and enjoy a glass of Scotch next to the bonfire.
Carlos Ortegon, Store Manager